Hi, I’m Lou.
I’m a degree qualified Nutritionist and I’ve stood in your shoes.
I’ve struggled with my weight since my early teens. I developed some really disordered eating habits and my weight would yo-yo up and down, year after year. I woke up every morning feeling nauseous, and spiralled into a depression.
Then I spent ten years learning about what my body needs to thrive, explored and pushed the limits of what I thought I was capable of, and separated the idea that my health is intrinsically linked to weight loss.
Now, I’ve got a much more balanced perspective. Your diet needs to align with your values, and the way you live your life. If you don’t NEED to cut a type of food out of your diet for REAL health reasons (intolerance, allergy, or general digestive disagreement) then don’t. Go out for brunch, drink your coffee with full fat milk, have a slice of birthday cake. What’s the point of life if you can’t eat a piece of birthday cake?!
After my own journey I studied to become a degree qualified nutritionist (BscNutr.) so that I could help people navigate their way to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.