The 7 Day Shift
Picture this: it’s lunch time and you’re hungry.
Rather than agonising over the decision of what to eat, like you might’ve done in the past, without thinking twice you grab something to eat that satisfies you, supports your goals and most importantly TASTES GOOD!
The reason you’re in this blissful position is because you’ve done the work learning what your body needs to feel its best, employed mindfulness techniques to help you navigate some of your negative health behaviours and gotten rid of the food guilt that has plagued you since you were a teenager.
The 7 Day Shift is designed to get you to this position. Confident in your own knowledge, living a balanced life free of guilt.
This isn’t a diet plan.
It’s far more than that.
It’s 7 modules of absolute GOLD designed to set you up with a solid foundation to keep moving towards your healthiest self.
Module 1: What is a balanced diet? A breakdown of food, what it does in the body, and what to consider when making balanced choices.
Module 2: Meal planning – how to! Meal planning doesn’t have to be about spending the week in diet jail, this is about making conscious choices and planning ahead.
Module 3: What’s your WHY? Our actions and decisions are influenced by a number of factors, and understanding your reasons for wanting to achieve something can help give you clarity and direction towards that goal.
Module 4: Get active! Exercise doesn’t have to be something you dread, and has such a positive effect on your brain and body.
Module 5: How to read nutrition labels. You’ve probably glanced over them before, but do you know the ins and outs of reach a nutrition information panel? Understanding what goes into our foods can help to alleviate food guilt, and help us make better choices!
Module 6: The importance of a good night’s sleep. Did you know that research indicates strong links between optimal sleep quality and improved mental health outcomes. Let’s talk about that.
Bonus Module 7: Reflection! What from the previous 6 modules will you move forward with in your every day life?
Who is this program suitable for?
EVERYONE. Literally everyone.
If you’re ready, willing and able to make positive change in your life, and want to LEARN what you need for lifelong health, then this is for you.
If you’re sick of going from diet to diet, this is for you.
If you want to change your habits in a sustainable way, led by evidence-based information, this is for you.
If you feel like you’ve tried everything and are almost ready to give up, this is for you.
Why should you pick me to work with? Well, I’ve stood in your shoes.
I’ve lost count of the number of diets I’ve followed in the past. All of them told me they were going to make me the healthiest version of myself, but actually all they did was make me stressed out about breaking the ‘rules’ they gave me. There’s a reason it’s hard to stick to restrictive diets, and that’s because they suck. Even if you can stick to them, there are so many sacrifices made to follow them to the letter.
But after ten years of much trial and error, and lots of learning about how the body works I lost 22% of my bodyweight, regained my menstrual cycle, and improved other health markers. More importantly, I opened up the world of balancing fuelling my body with all of the other fun and social reasons we eat.
I’m now a degree qualified nutritionist who specialises in helping people find the same freedom in their life.
I also believe a successful health journey is about finding someone you can jam with, that you can pick up what they’re putting down, who makes you feel like anything is possible. I hope to be that person for you.
How do I sign up?
The 7 Day Shift is a self-led program, delivered by a downloadable PDF for just $72.00.
You can work through the 7 modules at whatever pace you like, it doesn’t have to be 7 days, it could be 7 weeks if you’d like!
You won’t be totally alone though - you’ll get access to our private Facebook community to make connections on this journey, share aha! moments, and ask any questions - I’ll be there to guide you!